Solar Window Film Installation In Cobham

Solar Window film Installation in cobham

Client: An aesthete homeowner who loved all things beautiful
Location: Cobham
Project: Solar window film installation for the residence
Materials Used: Residential Mirrored Window Film

This client of ours is a lover of beauty and wanted a solution to counteract the negative effects of UV radiation coming from the windows. He did not want the furniture and the interiors to start fading and losing their lustre. When he came across S-Line Solar Films, he fell in love with our mirrored window film, as not only were they aesthetically pleasing, but they also offered privacy, and security, reduced energy costs, and blocked the UV light to reduce the damage to the furniture and interior finishings.

After a detailed consultation session and looking into several of our products, our client decided to go with the project. From our end, we ensured that, from start to finish, the mirrored window film installation was smooth, seamless, and quick. Our team ensured that the installation was perfect and aesthetically pleasing, as desired by the client, leaving no room for complaint.

After the completion of the project, the smile on our client’s face made our day!

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