5 Myths About Residential Window Films in Farnham Debunked

residential window film Farnham

Window films are an innovative and popular way to decorate windows while keeping sun rays out of dwellings. It was only in 1966 that homeowners were introduced to the thin laminate films, but the real rise in popularity took place during the 1980s. While residential window films in Farnham and locations across the UK became popular, the choices were limited. The two primary variations were highly reflective films in silver and bronze. As technology advanced, a vast array of residential window films emerged, but what never changed were the misconceptions in the minds of people. The effectiveness, benefits and flexibility of these tints are still doubted. It has been decades since these films exist, yet the mindset of people has not altered. Today, this blog post aims to bring clarity by debunking a few common myths clouding the minds of people.

Misconceptions About Residential Window Films in Farnham and Beyond

S-Line Solarfilm's Solar Window Film in Farnham - Energy-Efficient SolutionsIt is time to change the general perception that window films are purple, peeling or bubbly films used only on cars. Today, these thin laminate films for homes are the outcomes of exhaustive research. They are high-performing and durable, with multiple layers of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), safeguarding glasses from shattering. Get ready to explore more as we demystify myths around the window films.

  • Residential window films darken the home’s interior

The root of this misconception goes into the auto tinting industry. For most people, the first time they witnessed these window films in action was while sitting in a car and looking outward. However, the experience is completely different for residents. With incredible advances made in window films, they are no longer how people first imagined them. Modern-day tints are clear, non-reflective and focused on specific wavelengths of light yet transmit a large portion of the light through windows. Go for solar and privacy window films to knock off the glare, relax your eyes and enjoy the pleasant view.

  • Window films are reserved only for old properties

Although window films, including solar, mirrored, frosted, UV, bi-fold and others, are primarily installed on new windows at residences, there is no hard and fast rule that they would complement only modern-day dwellings. In fact, older properties can benefit a lot from tints on single-pane glasses. A lot of issues, like heat loss during winter, fading of furniture from harmful UV rays, and sacrificing privacy and glares, can be tackled through their installation. Experts advise on finding the right type to meet their purposes.

  • Window films kill house plants

Indoor plants survive even when window films layer on glass panes. Tints may block UV rays but allow blue and red rays to penetrate, which are essential for plants to thrive. Also, with the tints on, homeowners can regulate room temperature while ensuring ample moisture for the greenery to live on. All in all, the thin, laminate-like films create a stable environment for plants to adjust to.

  • Cleaning is a challenge for professionally installed window films

Much like glass panes, tints can be cleaned and maintained without letting smudges and dirt obscure the benefits. The only aspect to remember is to avoid the task for the first 30 days after installation.

Also, after completion of the task, the professionals must leave the windows in spotless condition. A few other tips from the horse’s mouth are as follows:
• Steer clear of the usual practice of scrubbing windows with abrasives. Use a paper towel, sponge, or soft cloth for the purpose
• You may use off-the-shelf glass cleaners to clean window films. Most of them are safe
• Dry out windows with a clean and soft cloth
As long as you abide by the advice above, you will find window films that are no different from glass panes without treatments.

  • Only dark window films work

Gone are the times when window films were dyed polyesters with reflective coatings. It was believed that the darker the film, the more heat it absorbs while the shinier the tint, the more heat it reflects. The misunderstanding further stems from the fact that these products have been referred to as ‘tints’ since the 1960s. Nowadays, they are still fabricated from polyester but treated to display high-performance features. They are visibly clear yet reflect the sun’s heat energy, helping homeowners to save on energy bills. They maintain a comfortable indoor temperature while playing their part in blocking 95% of the sun’s UV rays. Despite this, you will never feel the absence of natural light within your rooms with tints installed on your windows. The secret lays in the multitude of layers and coatings.

Explore a Wide Range of Residential Window Films in Farnham at S-Line Solarfilm!

Having debunked five of the most common misconceptions about window films, we are sure you will be in the quest for these treatments. S-Line Solarfilm, an installer of tints, has residents of Farnham covered with popular variants including solar, mirrored, frosted, UV, security conservatory and skylight window films. Address common concerns, including sun damage to furnishings, excessive heat within orangeries, privacy and many others, by having our fitters on board. We are fully insured and abide by all health and safety regulations, channelling 19 years of experience to every residential project.

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